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The WTF Economy

Tim O’Reilly started a new curated series, called the WTF Economy in a shoutout to the online community, questioning the future when more and more work can be done by intelligent machines instead of people:

“Over the past few decades, the digital revolution has transformed the world of media, upending centuries-old companies and business models. Now, it is restructuring every business, every job, and every sector of society. No company, no job is immune to disruption.

I believe that the biggest changes are still ahead, and that every industry and every organization will have to transform itself in the next few years, in multiple ways, or fade away. We need to ask ourselves whether the fundamental social safety nets of the developed world will survive the transition, and more importantly, what we will replace them with.

We need a focused, high-level conversation about the deep ways in which computers and their ilk are transforming how we do business, how we work, and how we live. Just about everyone’s asking WTF? (“What the F***?” but also, more charitably “What’s the future?”)”

You can read more articles on this topic on Tim’s WTF curated page.

WTF Economy

Tim is also launching a new event called Next:Economy (What’s The Future of Work?), to be held at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco Nov 12 and 13, 2015. His goal is to shed light on the transformation in the nature of work now being driven by algorithms, big data, robotics, and the on-demand economy.

Related to the Future of Work topic:

Here’s a great keynote by TFA’s CEO Gerd Leonhard on the Future of Work and Business.

More details and the PDF of the presentation can be downloaded at https://gerd.fm/ibmcebitstuff

(Thanks to IBM for making this video available)

And more related media

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Posted by Rudy de Waele aka @mtrends / shift2020.com




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